
A React hook for working with animation frames

This hook let you work with animation frames in React components using a simple request/cancel api. I use it whenever I do JS animations (animations that are too complex to be done with pure CSS).

import { useRef, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';

export const useAnimationFrame = () => {
    const id = useRef(0);

    // Cancel any pending requests when unmounting
    useEffect(() => () => {
    }, []);

    const cancel = useCallback(() => {
    }, []);

    const request = useCallback(cb => {
        id.current = requestAnimationFrame(cb);
        return id.current; // For manual cancellation
    }, []);

    return { request, cancel };

You can use it like so:

const { request, cancel } = useAnimationFrame();

request(() => {/* Do something in the next repaint */});
cancel(); // Cancel the currently pending request
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